Attorneys requesting e-filing privileges at the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Maryland must be active members of the U.S. District Court of Maryland Bar. You will need your USDC bar ID to register as an attorney filer with the Bankruptcy Court. Attorneys requesting pro hac e-filing privileges must have an order granting their request to appear pro hac vice.
You must review the Bankruptcy Court's training guides prior to requesting e-filing access. There are seven training guides in downloadable PDF format. After reviewing the training guides, you can complete the additional steps below and the court will process your request for e-filing access via PACER. Please allow up to 3 business days for your request to be completed.
Download and review the following training guides:
- Guide to Navigating ECF
- PDF Requirements
- Certificate of Service Guide
- Proposed Orders Guide
- Court Hearing Scheduler Guide
- Amended Schedules Guide
- Common Issues Guide
Click here to visit PACER. Instructions for requesting attorney admissions can be found on PACER here.
Either click here to complete the required local registration form for attorney requests, or click here to complete the required local registration form for pro hac requests. This form must be submitted in addition to your PACER request for e-filing privileges. Your PACER request cannot be processed until this form is received.
Need docketing or technical help? Please refer to the CM/ECF User Manual for additional demonstrations and technical how to’s.