This account will provide you limited access to the CM/ECF database so that you can request notices, file proof of claims and other claim related matters - Withdrawal of Claim, Objection to Claim, Assignment of Claim, Objection to Transfer of Claim and Reaffirmation Agreements. Once you complete the steps below, the court will process your request for e-filing acess via PACER. Please allow up to 3 business days for your request to be completed.
Click here to visit PACER. If you do not have a PACER account, then you will need to create one. Then you can request non-attorney e-file registration via PACER.
Click here to complete the required local registration form for creditors and creditor designees. This form must be submitted in addition to your PACER request for e-filing privileges. Your PACER request cannot be processed until this form is received.
Training is not required however, we recommend viewing the following docketing instructions:
Assignment of Claim
Objection to Claim
Reaffirmation Agreement
Withdrawal of Claim
Need docketing or technical help? Please refer to our CM/ECF User Manual for additional demonstrations and technical how to’s.