Copies of Papers: Courtesy copies of filings made through mandatory e-filing should be sent to Chambers only when the exhibits number more than 100 pages or upon request of the Court.
Contested Matters: Parties should comply with Fed. R. Civ. P. 26 (a)(2) in contested matters.
Communicated for Proposed Orders: Counsel should send a courtesy email to the Judge's law clerk to alert Chambers that a proposed order (whether new or amended) has been uploaded or filed, after a hearing.
Communication for Emergencies: Counsel should send a courtesy email to the Courtroom Deputy at when filing a motion to shorten time to respond and request for an immediate hearing.
Attorney Inquiry regarding Appearances: Attorney appearance is required unless expressly excused. All inquiries from attorneys regarding excused absences from any proceeding must be made at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled appearance. Requests for excused appearances for proceedings on Monday must be made by noon on Friday.