A large number of the Chapter 13 cases filed in District of Maryland are filed without the assistance of counsel. Many Chapter 13 debtors decide to file pro se because they are ineligible for traditional pro bono assistance and cannot afford full or upfront attorney fees.
In an effort to reduce the number of pro se filers, the Low Bono and Deferred Payment (LBDP) Listing has been created. The LBDP Listing is a publication of attorneys who are willing to accept low or deferred fee Chapter 13 cases from individuals with financial need. The publication is made available to debtors through the U.S. Bankruptcy Court, the Chapter 13 Trustees, and other means. The publication will contain: the attorney’s name, firm, address, work phone (not cell phone), email address, areas of practice (if desired), and counties served.
All attorneys who have a minimum of 3 years of consumer bankruptcy practice experience, are admitted to practice before the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland, and are admitted to the Maryland Bar are eligible for inclusion in the Listing. All attorneys who register to have their name added to this publication must agree to meet the following annual pro bono service requirement:
- Complete two pro bono cases per calendar year through MVLS’ Chapter 7 Pro Bono Panel, OR
- Agree to staff the Debtor Assistance Project office for eight hours per calendar year.
Attorneys can register for inclusion in the LBDP Listing through the online Volunteer Registration Form After certifying to meet the pro bono service requirement upon registration, LBDP Listing attorneys are required to self-report their completion of pro bono service to the DAP Coordinator at Amanda_Kaniowski@mdb.uscourts.gov(link sends e-mail) on an annual basis. Additionally, if an attorney is registered for both the Chapter 13 and the Chapter 7 Attorney Listings, that attorney is only required to meet the pro bono service requirement once for inclusion in both publications.
Attorneys may request to have their name removed from the LBDP list at any time.