The process of filing for personal bankruptcy can be challenging and may even feel overwhelming.  However, you can learn valuable lessons from the bankruptcy process and with time you can become stronger than you may have thought possible. 

These links are designed to build hope and resiliency.  There are numerous resources that are available to help you in this journey.

Suggestions from the University of Maryland School of Social Work:
Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service (MVLS) guidance on accessing legal services

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's website offers guidance on financial topics such as building financial skills, rebuilding credit, and planning to be debt free.

The Baltimore City Financial Empowerment Center (FEC) offers professional financial education through one-on-one financial counseling and coaching as a free public service to area residents, regardless of income.

In-person social worker services are available at some public libraries.  Visit the Enoch Pratt Social Worker in the Library website for more information.

You can find additional resources on these pages: