Cases filed on or after December 1, 2003

These cases are available on the PACER (Public Access to Court Records) website. The PACER website has training documents to show you how to look up information. You can receive same day access by contacting the PACER Service Center. There is a charge of $0.10 per page.

You can also purchase copies of documents at the courthouse.  You can view and print documents at the public computer terminals in the courthouse at a charge of $0.10 per page.  Court staff can print copies for you at a charge of $0.50 per page. If you cannot come to the courthouse, the court can mail you a copy at a charge of $0.50 per page. Please contact your case administrator.


Cases filed before December 1, 2003
If your case has been closed for more than a year documents can be viewed only by case participants with a CM/ECF login or may be viewed at the public computer terminals in the Courthouses. If you cannot come to the courthouse, the court can mail you a copy of the documents at a charge of $0.50  per page. Please contact your case administrator.

You must request the document/case file through the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in Philadelphia, PA.  You may request online or call them at 215-305-2000 You will need to provide NARA with the accession(transfer) number and box number.  If you know your case number, please click here.


If you do not know the case number, please call the court:

  • Baltimore: 410-962-2688 or
  • Greenbelt: 301-344-8018

Press 9 when the recorded message begins to play.