1. You may pay the filing fee in full by submitting a money order, made payable to "Clerk, U.S. Bankruptcy Court" at the time you submit your signature pages and the additional items required to complete your filing.
2. You may pay the filing fee in installments by filing an Application to Pay Filing Fee in Installments. You may make up to four (4) installment payments. The final payment must be made within 120 days after your petition is filed.
3. Once you have a case number, you can make electronic payments using Pay.gov. Click here to learn more about using Pay.gov and to access the online payment form.
4. If you are filing a chapter 7 case you may request that the court waive your filing fee by filing an Application For Waiver of Chapter 7 Filing Fee. By law, the judge may only waive the filing fee if your income is less than 150 percent of the official poverty line for the size of your family and if you are unable to pay the fee in installments.