The document listed below was prepared by the Administrative Office of the United States Courts and describes the Claims Upload process and provides instructions to successfully upload claims. It is highly recommended that this document be thoroughly reviewed before attempting to upload claims.

Below are additional tips and information on using the Claims Upload in the District of Maryland.

Electronic Filing of Bankruptcy Claims

1.  An XML file can be created using an XML editor or any text editor such as Notepad. Just be sure to save the file as text type with an extension, .xml.

2. All XML tags used for the Claims Upload are case sensitive.

3. Multiple claim functions (e.g. add, amend, transfer) can be included in one XML file.

4. The district code for Maryland is 0416. For testing, though, please use 1111.

5. Maryland has two office codes: 0 for Greenbelt, 1 for Baltimore. Please query the case first to find the correct office code.

6. The <UserName> is your ECF login id.

7. For the <ClaimsFiledBy>, use CR if your login ID is a creditor account, or AT if your login ID is an attorney account.